The Euro has dropped again versus the dollar and airfare to Italy has also dropped, so let's add a few more words to our Italian vocabulary that might come in handy in case you decide to take advantage and book a trip to Italy. Are you listening to the podcast? It's FREE on iTunes and only $14.95 per month to become a Premium Member.
Grande Big
Piccolo Small
Caldo Hot
Freddo Cold
Buono Good (Used to describe food)
NOTE: If you are describing how food tastes, you use Buono or Buona; if you are describing someone's looks, you use Bello or Bella which means beautiful or handsome.
Cattivo Bad
NOTE: If you are describing how food tastes, you use Cattivo or Cattiva; if you are describing someone's looks, you use Brutto or Brutta which means ugly.
Aperto Open
Chiuso Closed
Vicino Close or Near
Lontano Far
Grande Big
Piccolo Small
Caldo Hot
Freddo Cold
Buono Good (Used to describe food)
NOTE: If you are describing how food tastes, you use Buono or Buona; if you are describing someone's looks, you use Bello or Bella which means beautiful or handsome.
Cattivo Bad
NOTE: If you are describing how food tastes, you use Cattivo or Cattiva; if you are describing someone's looks, you use Brutto or Brutta which means ugly.
Aperto Open
Chiuso Closed
Vicino Close or Near
Lontano Far